Aspiring Software Developer

Austin, Tx

Quote of the Day



About Me

grad photo

My name is Oscar Leal and I am a recent graduate from the University of Texas with a Bachelor of Science in Arts & Entertainment Technologies and a Bachelor of Science in Corporate Communications. I am pursuing a Web Development career. I am currently partaking in a six month Full-Stack Coding boot camp while also completing a UI/UX google certificate. I aim to create projects that incorporate design principles that shape appropriate adaptability and responsiveness for the best user experience. I have expertise in user experience through my design discipline during my undergrad years where I participated in creating user friendly practices for events and projects.


My Work

Project 1

AR Project

A mock Microsoft Webpage showcasing products with the option to utilize Augmented Reality to display product models in real time.

  • HTML
  • CSS
Project 2

Weather App

Simple weather application that allows a user to search for a city of their choice to be able to receive the current weather and a five day forecast. Provides current and future forecast for a given city using data from OpenWeather API. Search history is saved locally to display a dynamically updated list of recent cities.

  • HTML
  • CSS
Project 3

Bird House

Bird House is a simple application that allows a user to search for a bird of their choice in order to receive a few fun facts about the bird as well as a downloadable recording of what the bird sounds like. For a given bird species, this application provides fun facts and a downloadable recording of the bird's sound via the Xeno-Canto API, as well as an image of the bird itself via the Pexels API.

  • HTML
  • BULMA CSS FrameWork
  • Third Party APIS
Project 4

Get Fit

Get Fit is a full stack application that is tailored for beginners in the gym. It allows users to create an account to be able to have access to various different excercises of their choice. Users also have the option to post a motivational quote for any future users!

  • Node Js
  • Express Js
  • HandleBar Js
  • MySQl
  • Sequelize

Get in Touch

If you would like to connect , feel free to message me on LinkedIn or via email! Also open to meeting with anyone interested in Web development, and those willing to collaborate for a project.
